Versione Italiana

Laboratory Division


Home Products Platelet Aggregation Platelet Aggregation
3115001 900 tests AGP TEST KIT for platelet aggregation tests on PRP induced by Collagen, ADP, Adrenaline, Ristocetin
311501WB 3 x 0,7 mL ARACHIDONIC ACID (25 mM) Aggregation Reagent for PRP and whole blood
311501BL 9 x 0,5 ml ADRENALINE 5mM (Epinephrin) Aggregation Reagent plus Diluent
311501A 8 x 0,5 ml ADP 0,1 mM Aggregation Reagent plus Diluent to be used with PRP
311500WA 6 x 0,5 mL ADP 1 mM Aggregation Reagent plus Diluent A, to be used with whole blood
311502C 2 x 0,5 ml COLLAGEN 1 mg/ml Aggregation Reagent plus Diluent
311502D 2 x 0,5 ml RISTOCETIN 25 mg Aggregation Reagent plus Diluent